• Current Issue | Volume 45 | Issue 1 | Autumn 2024

    Review Essay

    Translating the Past: Openness and Diversity in Islamic Intellectual History

    Reviewed by: F. Redhwan Karim, Markfield Institute of Higher Education, UK

    Books Reviewed:
    • Key Terms of the Qurʾan: A Critical Dictionary, by Nicolai Sinai.
    • History of the Arab Invasions: The Conquest of the Lands - A New Translation of al-Baladhuri’s Futuh al Buldan, by Ahmad b. Yahya al-Baladhuri (English translation & historical commentary by Hugh Kennedy).
    • Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists: Ibn Taymiyya’s Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām in Translation, by Abdul-Karim al-Matroudi.
    • Select Chapters of Itqān on the Language of the Qurʾan: Being the second quarter of the famed compendium of Quranic sciences al-Itqān fī ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān, by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (translated, annotated and introduced by Dr Sohaib Saeed).
Justice in Islam
Islamic Thought and Sources

Justice in Islam

The Quest for the Righteous Community from Abu Dharr to Muhammad Ali

Author(s): Raymond William Baker

Reviewed by: Usman Bugage

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Principles of Islamic Studies
Islamic Thought and Sources

Principles of Islamic Studies

A Subtle Synopsis of the Ten Principles for Seventeen Islamic Sciences

Author(s): Harun Verstaen

Reviewed by: Zahed Fettah

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Wives and Work
Islamic Thought and Sources

Wives and Work

Islamic Law and Ethics Before Modernity

Author(s): Marion Holmes Katz

Reviewed by: Anis Ahmad

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The Sīrah of the Prophet
Islamic Thought and Sources

The Sīrah of the Prophet

A Contemporary and Original Analysis

Author(s): Yasir Qadhi

Reviewed by: Zahed Fettah

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