Hamas and the Media

Hamas and the Media

Short Reviews

Hamas and the Media
Politics and strategy

Author(s): Wael Abdelal

Reviewed by: Ruqaiyah Hibell



Contemporary religious-political organisations lacking in military prowess to match that held by their adversaries have demonstrated an adeptness in utilising social media technologies, which are at the forefront of rebalancing disparities and gaining advantage through the application of sophisticated propaganda techniques, becoming a form of counter-psychological warfare. This embodies Gramsci’s concept of ‘resistance to oppression.’ Hamas has deployed operational resistance through education, social projects, media and by instituting an alternative economy seeking to overcome barriers and restrictions. Abdelal presents an argument that: Hamas has also created a counter-frame to the hegemonic discourse used by the PLO and Fateh in the domestic context and the diaspora, thus filling a void in the hearts and minds and becoming the voice of many Palestinians.

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