Jesus and Muhammad

Jesus and Muhammad

Interfaith and Comparative Religion

Jesus and Muhammad
Commonalities of Two Great Religions

Author(s): Daniel Hummel

Reviewed by: Anis Ahmad



A formal trialogue between the followers of the Abrahamic tradition appears a recent phenomenon, though at a cultural, intellectual and social level the interaction is as old as the proclamation of invitation (da[wah) by the Qur’an and the final Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). The Qur’an called all human beings and particularly those who traced their faith in the Abrahamic tradition of tawhid but both Judaism and Christianity developed a different understanding of tawhid in the course of history. One developed itself as an ethno-centric and race-oriented faith while the other developed a Trinitarian theology of unity. Islam in its scripture, the Qur’an and the practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him), excluded all possibilities of associating anyone with Allah. The Qur’an declares that Allah is Unique, One and Only and none is like unto Him. Allah is neither born nor gives birth. While in Judaism, with its claim to monotheism, aspects of divinity were believed to have been revealed in history and persons. Christianity developed the doctrine of the Unity of God, the Father, the Holy Son and Holy Spirit together in an inexplicable unity.

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